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Ecommerce Technical SEO Best Practices

Any e-commerce website’s success depends heavily on technical SEO because it influences both the user experience and a search engine’s capacity to crawl and index the site. With a focus on how AYSA.AI can assist you in implementing them, we will go over the best practices for ecommerce technical SEO in this article.

Site Structure

Both users and search engines require a well-organized website with a distinct hierarchy and intuitive URLs. 

The hierarchy of the site and its pages should be reflected in the structure, which should be clear and the URLs should be concise and descriptive.

XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a file that catalogs every page on your website along with how each one relates to the others. 

This is a crucial element of the technical SEO for any e-commerce website because it aids search engines in comprehending the layout of your website and the pages within it.

 For your e-commerce site, AYSA.AI can assist you in creating an accurate and current XML sitemap.

Mobile Optimization

Your e-commerce website must be mobile optimized because more and more people are using mobile devices to shop online. 

This includes making certain that the website is mobile-friendly and responsive, or that it adapts to fit any screen size. 

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

An open-source framework called Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) makes it possible to design user-friendly, quick-loading pages for mobile devices. 

You can speed up page load times, enhance user experience on mobile devices, and raise your search engine rankings by utilizing AMP.

Your e-commerce site can benefit from AMP implementation from AYSA.AI, ensuring that pages load quickly and fluidly on mobile devices.

Page Speed

Another crucial element of technical SEO for e-commerce is page speed, which has an impact on both user experience and search engine rankings. 

Users may leave your website if your pages take too long to load, and search engines may also penalize you if this happens.

Image Optimization

Unoptimized images slow down your e-commerce site. AYSA.AI can assist you in image optimization, resulting in smaller image files and faster page loads. 

Both the user experience and your search engine rankings will be enhanced by doing this.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Your e-commerce website needs to have an SSL certificate installed for both security and search engine optimization. 

An SSL certificate protects sensitive information like credit card numbers and personal information during transmission between your website and its users.


The use of HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) on an e-commerce website shows users and search engines that the site is reliable and secure. 

In order to protect the sensitive information of your users and to increase the likelihood that your site will rank highly in search engines, AYSA.AI can assist you in implementing HTTPS on your e-commerce site.

In summary, technical SEO is crucial to the success of any e-commerce website because it influences both user experience and search engine rankings. 

Optimize your e-commerce site for users and search engines by implementing best practices and using AYSA.AI’s SEO automation tools. This will increase traffic and boost sales.